Test blog!
Date: 2024-11-17
# Test blog!
This is a test blog! It's features most of the usual function of the markdown (mostly from [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md))!
**Remember though!** The may not implement all of the features of the markdown, because I'm lazy.
## Bold, italic, etc.
Consequatur *nobis molestiae et*. Quas harum saepe iusto occaecati *repudiandae ullam in dicta*. Ad dignissimos magnam reprehenderit voluptatem ullam consequatur eaque. Minus rerum iure voluptates at.
Incidunt in voluptas consequatur quia ex maiores. ***Eaque aliquid eum*** dolorum nulla et autem. **Incidunt tempore illum** autem nihil **perferendis** praesentium enim blanditiis. Qui sint repellat autem architecto qui.
Est quaerat incidunt laboriosam quidem. Qui est fuga dolorem. `Ipsam` est et quia eos aut `quia autem. Quis` earum et hic et omnis est.
> This man was Abert Eighshten
### Lists
- Hey
- What
- You suck!
- Woah!!
- Sorry
- No problem
Look at them!!
1) :3
2) ;3
3) :з
TODO list
- [ ] Cleanup
- [ ] Breakfast
- [ ] sussing aroundඞ
#### Code block
import os
x = 5
print("Loremsum amongus")
##### Image!
I have no clue how to integrate images right now.
###### Obsidian md stuff
Some info, there's a comment below!![^1]
[^1]: The source (I made that up)
%% It would be really funny to convert md comments to html comments %%
$ \frac{x}{y} $
$ \frac{x}{y} $
I have no clue If I'm going to implement LaTeX
|Name |Price |
|Hot dog|No clue to be honest|
|Blini |Бесценно |
> [!info] This is a callout
> Why? No clue.